Events Calendar

Business Executive Reception - February 13, 2019 - Oakland, CA
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Business Executive Reception


February 13, 2019

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PST



The Double Standard 2424 Telegraph Ave

Oakland, CA 94612





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Join us on February 13 for another Business Executive Reception series! We will announce a few new initiatives and projects we have this year to bridge the gap between startups and established companies and allow you to expand your knowledge and professional network.

For this event, premium members (social, business and even online) will be able to invite a colleague, partner, prospect or customer.

We created these Executive Reception events so you can meet the people you always wanted to meet but didn't have time to set up meetings with and find new connections with startups and other executives.

We will use this opportunity to meet to allow attendees to make special announcements about their companies or projects in an open mic session.

So if you have a new product or service to announce, are looking for partners, introductions or pilots or even want to hire people or find a job, it is your opportunity to do so during the session.

We hope you can make it to this event and feel free to spread the word.


As we don’t have a sponsor for this event, attendees will have to pay for their drinks.

If you want to become a sponsor, click here to apply.


This event is FREE for BayPay Premium Members.



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Location The Double Standard 2424 Telegraph Ave Oakland, CA 94612

Additional Information about this event:

Wednesday 13 February 2019, 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Official Event Website: more info
Number of expected attendees: Not defined
This event has an exhibit: Not defined
YouTube Video for this event:
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