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Largest Community of Payments, Commerce, Fintech Entrepreneurs and Executives
A Business Network of startup founders and executives focused on Innovation
1000 startups
17,000+ Executive Members
75+ events a year
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Why we are here
Executives at established companies are often isolated in their day to day.
Entrepreneurs have difficulty meeting these executives.
We create the opportunity for them to meet and build relationships to potentially work together.
Curated Executive Mixers
In just a few hours, you can meet many other executives like minded who otherwise would have been difficult to meet.
Because most of the people are local, you can meet them the following day or week for a follow up.
Thought Leadership Series
Thought Provoking Presentations on Latest Trends
We invite analysts and executives to share their knowledge on what is shaping our market and what is coming.
Interactive Panel Discussions

All Business
Payments, Commerce and Fintech Demo Days
We invite startups and sometimes established companies to demonstrate their latest innovations in our industry.
Startup Mentoring, Training and Introductions
Because of the deep experience of many of our members, startups can get a better support within our network.
Live Streaming of Events
We all have busy lives in this industry so attending an event is often not an option. Our live streamed events give the opportunity to learn but also to interact with our panelist or presenters.