Third-Party Risks: Containment Strategy

Kimber Spradlin of Moka 5 on Securing Contractors

November 30, -0001.

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Third-Party Risks: Containment Strategy

Mobility has driven the rise of containerization as a security strategy for employee-owned devices. But what about for contractors? Kimber Spradlin of Moka 5 discusses how to mitigate third-party risks.

Particularly at a time when regulatory agencies are sensitive to security threats introduced via third parties, the extended containerization discussion is welcome, Spradlin says.

"When you're managing just inside that container, you have a lot more freedom to lock down that container," says Spradlin, Moka 5's senior director of product strategy. "You can lock [contractors] out of admin privileges, prevent them from installing any software - even prevent them from doing much in the way of customizing the environment ..."

In an interview about containerization, Spradlin discusses:

How to secure a contractor's desktop; Real-world containerization examples: How containerization fits in with overall organizational mobility and end user computing strategies.

Spradlin recently joined Moka5, bringing with her more than 15 years' experience in the Information Security industry. She began her career at Ernst & Young specialising in IT compliance; assisting Fortune 500 organisations to meet both regulatory and internal information security requirements. This included developing risk assessment, compliance, policy management, and software security architecture evaluation programs. Additional assignments in the systems management and security industry include IT consulting and software evangelism positions at Embarcadero Technologies, NetIQ, BigFix and IBM.