Rethinking Cybersecurity: Lessons from Russian Hacks

The tactics used by Kremlin-tied actors to hack political groups in France, Germany and the United States to influence foreign elections could also be employed to damage the reputation of businesses. The ISMG Security Report leads with a report that explores why some security experts are rethinking their approach cybersecurity.

Also in the Security Report, you'll hear (click on player beneath image to listen):

DataBreachToday Editor Mathew J. Schwartz discuss a vulnerability known as PassFreely that allows attackers to bypass Oracle database authentication; and ISMG Security and Technology Editor Jeremy Kirk analyze an Interpol report that has identified 270 websites across Asia - including some government portals - infected with malware that have been used for a variety of cyberattacks.

The ISMG Security Report appears on this and other ISMG websites on Tuesdays and Fridays. Check out our April 21 and April 25 reports that respectively analyze how a Russian-speaking hacker offering novice cybercriminals a cheap way to conduct ransomware attacks and President Trump's forthcoming cybersecurity executive order.

The next ISMG Security Report will be posted on Tuesday, May 2.

Theme music for the ISMG Security Report is by Ithaca Audio under the Creative Commons license.