Guest Ranger partners with Trustmatic to improve fraud protection

Slovakia-based identity verification and fraud detection platform Trustmatic has partnered Guest Ranger to improve short-term rental fraud protection

Slovakia-based identity verification and fraud detection platform Trustmatic has partnered Guest Ranger to improve short-term rental fraud protection. Through this partnership, Guest Ranger aims to improve the fraud prevention experience for short-term rental property owners and guests by leveraging Trustmatic's technology for remote identity verification.

According to the official press release, short-term rentals are on the rise - a trend that increases the need for fraud prevention. Guest Ranger, which specialises in Fraud and chargeback protection software for property managers, removes the need for both manual verification and possible liability such as credit card chargebacks. By leveraging the company’s solutions, property managers can prevent booking a stay to a difficult guest that could result in property damage or legal liability.

The partnership with Trustmatic enables Guest Ranger to provide its clients with a complete solution for identity verification and fraud prevention in order to protect their properties and their guests. Trustmatic officials emphasised the importance of bringing a remote identity verification platform to the short-term rental industry and mentioned how the partnership with Guest Ranger can help protect property owners, guests, and the wider community from the effects of fraud. Chargeback fraud and short-term rentals According to operto.

com, chargeback represents a reversal of a credit card payment that’s issued directly by the user’s bank. In the case of refunds, the retailer is directly involved,  but with chargebacks, the customer bypasses the retailer and there’s little merchants can do about it. In order to make sure that they don’t end up in this situation, the same source recommends implementing ID verification during digital check-in and creating a record of guest interactions.

If a guest screening process is implemented, Operto recommends a frictionless process that doesn’t give a sense of intrusion. More information about Trustmatic According to Trustmatic, its solution can onboard genuine users in a matter of seconds while protecting the client’s business from identity fraud. The company’s technology ensures that only verified users can access a client’s system without compromising security or user experience.

Trustmatic’s identity document verification system offers a reliable way to detect fake and tampered documents. With the help of AI-powered software, the system can verify identity documents in real-time and detect fake and tampered documents with accuracy. The company’s technology can detect and read over 11 600 IDs from over 240 countries and territories.


Feb 10, 2023 12:03
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