UNICEF Innovation Fund Hints at Blockchain Investments

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has hinted at possible investments in blockchain startups or initiatives.

UNICEF, founded in 1946, is dedicated to promoting humanitarian efforts aimed at supporting children and families living in impoverished regions. The organization announced today it is accepting applications for investment from its Innovation Fund, launched in May of last year.

The organization said that the fund is focused on three areas for investment: learning products, real-time information delivery and "infrastructure to increase access to services and information".

In a statement, Christopher Fabian, who co-leads UNICEF’s innovation efforts, suggested that projects focusing on the blockchain could receive support from the fund, which has raised $9m to date.

Fabian said:

"These three areas are ripe for investment due to rapidly changing technologies such as blockchain, 3-D printing, wearables and sensors, artificial intelligence and renewable energy."

To qualify for the program, applicants must have open-source, prototype-stage products.

The deadline for submissions is 26th February. UNICEF declined to comment when reached.

Image Credit: Lucky Team Studio / Shutterstock.com

InvestorsStartupsUnited Nations

Original author: Stan Higgins