Updates to Trending

By Diana Hsu and Andrew Song, Product Managers

People gather on Facebook to talk about what’s happening in the world. In January, we introduced Trending to help people discover timely and relevant conversations about the news that they care about.

Today, we’re bringing Trending to mobile and making it easy for people to explore stories from different sources.

Now, when you tap on a topic in Trending, you’ll see conversations organized in up to five different sections:


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Articles shows you how news organizations are covering the story. In the Story shows you posts from people who are part of the story. Friends and Groups shows you what people in your network are saying. Near the Scene shows you posts from people near where the story is unfolding. Live Feed shows you a real-time stream of reactions from people around the world.

The feed below the new sections will continue to display relevant posts ranked by engagement, timeliness and other factors.

The way that your Trending topics are determined hasn’t changed, and as always, only public posts and posts that you are in the audience for (like updates from friends or groups that you belong to) will be shown in Trending.

The new Trending experience begins rolling out today, and will be available to people on Facebook in the US for the web and Android. Support for iOS and other countries is coming soon.

For more details, please visit our Help Center.