Pascal Caillon - Mobile Payments Oct 14, 2014

Pascal Caillon, General Manager- North America at Proxama


Pascal is responsible for building up and managing Proxama operations for the North American region.
Prior to Proxama, he accumulated experience in mobile commerce at Visa, MasterCard, SanDisk, a couple of start-ups, and CorFire with always a focus on services that bring real value to end-users. The Dunkin’ m-commerce app, Visa prepay co-brand programs, mobile top-ups by Visa cards, international airtime remittances for foreign workers are examples of initiatives where he was deeply involved and helped build great consumer adoption. For almost the last twenty years, he has been holding product management and strategy, business development, and general management positions with exposure to European, North-American, and Asian markets.
Pascal has a MSCS from ENSEEIHT (France). He is married and a dad. When not in an airplane, Pascal pretends he is still in his twenties and goes kite-surfing and rock-climbing.