Panelist - Jörg Brakensiek - Car Connectivity Consortium LLC - Bio and Presentation

Jörg Brakensiek, Chief Architect at Car Connectivity Consortium LLC

Jörg's Bio:

Dr. Jörg Brakensiek has 20+ years of experience in wireless and automotive, with a strong desire to explore and develop connected Smart Devices – in-Vehicle experiences, enabling choices for the consumer and opportunities for service providers. He created MirrorLink®, a car connectivity technology, giving consumers access to their Smartphone applications, while driving, and helped build an eco-system around it. Jörg spend many years at Nokia, both in Germany and Silicon Valley, and at Microsoft. He currently serves as the Chief Architect for the Car Connectivity Consortium, which is expanding beyond MirrorLink into new areas like Digital Key. Being in the Silicon Valley, Jörg is also the Chief Architect and Co-founder of Wivity a start-up bringing universal connectivity to industrial IoT.






Presentation from Car Connectivity Consortium