Filmtrack Presentation from BayPay event on Entertainment, October 25, 2013 in Los Angeles


This deck was presented by Jason Kassin (see bio below), CEO at Filmtrack during the BayPay Forum event focused on Entertainment on October 25, 2013 hosted by City National Bank.


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Jason KassinCo-founder & CEO at FilmTrack

Jason Kassin

Jason Kassin is Co-Founder and CEO of FilmTrack. A leading expert in the development of rights and content management solutions for the global IP supply chain, Jason launched FilmTrack in the 1990s after being asked to design contract administration software for some of the oldest and most respected names in international film distribution. A lifelong computer engineer, Jason was contracted by the NYC Board of Education while still in high school to develop an inventory management and control system for the Office of School Food and Nutrition Services. After graduating from Vassar College with a degree in Film and Theater, Jason built his own successful software consulting business while also appearing in films and television programs, and selling film and TV pilot scripts to DreamWorks, Fox, NBC and Paramount. Today Jason oversees FilmTrack’s day-to-day operations, strategic direction and delivery of business solutions to some of the world’s leading companies. An accomplished screenwriter and actor, he also navigates seamlessly between the technical and creative worlds from artistic inception through commercial exploitation.