Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Some Fun Irish Trivia

Pablo Rodriguez, Head of Global Consumer Initiatives or regional leader

St. Patrick’s Day is a fun, festive day to wear Image - Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Some Fun Irish Trivia.pnggreen, drink a pint and celebrate with friends.


Before you head out on the town or have people over for corned beef and cabbage tomorrow, we’d like to share some interesting Irish facts that will surely impress your family and friends. In the spirit of innovation – which drives PayPal’s business and culture – we rounded up a short list of Irish inventions that you probably use in your everyday life.


Some inventions may be obvious and some will surprise you. Check out below for our top picks!


Arthur Guinness founded Guinness brewing in 1759 when he signed a 9,000-year lease on an unused brewery in St. James’s Gate, Dublin for an initial cost of 100 Pounds. A little known fact is that Guinness originally started brewing ale, not its famous stout. It wasn’t until many years after Arthur’s death in 1803 that his son, Arthur Guinness II, created the company’s iconic modern stout beer in 1821. [i]


From film to digital to Instagram, photography has come a long way. Before the filters and Photoshop, it was one man’s idea that gave us all color. In 1894, Irish inventor John Joly found a successful way of producing color photographs from a single plate. [ii]Next time you snap a photo with your smartphone or pick up the latest camera, you know the guy to thank for the color!


Love your cameras, flashlights and electric cars? If you use these or a million other objects, you’re using Nickel-Zinc batteries, which were invented by Irish chemist Dr. James J. Drumm in 1930. He patented his design for the Nickel-Zinc battery to power a prototype of an electric train. [iii] Where would we be without him?


Looking for a cleaning agent, something to sooth your stomach or a subtle mixer for a cocktail? For these, and countless other uses, you have Irish professor Robert Percival to thank. The Trinity College professor created the bubbly beverage in Dublin in 1800.[iv]


Shop all of Ireland’s greatest inventions in your own backyard with PayPal using your mobile device, visit our Store Locator, type in a merchant’s name and your zip code for the closest and safer way to get all the purchases you love.


Have a happy St. Patrick’s Day!


[i] The Story Page - Guiness.com (2015, February)

[ii] John Joly - RDS (2015, February)

[iii] Nickel-Zinc Battery - Electro Patent Invent (2011, April)

[iv] "Top 10: Irish Contributions to the World"  - AskMen (2014, March)

Original author: PayPal-Forward